As an attempt to tackle fake news Facebook is going to bring down facebook Groups involved in sharing false and misleading information by reducing the news feed distribution of the facebook Groups. The admins who manage and administer the fake information sharing groups will be made accountable for the gross violation of Community Standards.

Guy Rosen who is the Vice President of Integrity at Facebook said that groups which are repeatedly sharing content found to be false by checkers will lead to reduction in the group's overall News Feed distribution and this will begin immediately. The decision on taking down the group will be based on the analysis of the group and the admins, and another feature called as Group Quality, will be introduced for managing the removed content and flagging of violations said the Head of News Feed Integrity at Facebook Tessa Lyons."
Click-Gap" feature will monitor the outbound Facebook clicks and is also planning Context Button to images on Instagram and also addition of the "Verified Badge" to Messenger service.